Saturday, September 26, 2015

Next Génération Business Mixer - Synopsis

Annie Henry, Stéphanie Fontaine, Minister Kevin Chief and Evan Morgan at the #NextGenMixer

By: Simon Méthot
Board member at CCSFB - Youth Initiative
Director of Communications at JCI Winnipeg 
Youth Projects Officer at CDEM

On Thursday September 24th, 2015, over 70 business people were present to hear Minister Kevin Chief’s keynote address at the inaugural #NextGenMixer. Mr Chief effectively highlighted the important work being made by key organisations in Manitoba in order to create more opportunity for young Manitobans.

The short BOLD Winnipeg video adeptly articulates the core message of #NextGenMixer: Uniting people who see potential and establishing collaborations to produce opportunities for Manitoba’s youth.

World Trade Centre Winnipeg (WTC Winnipeg), Chambre de commerce francophone de Saint-Boniface (CCFSB), Junior Chamber International Winnipeg (JCI Winnipeg) and Junior Achievement of Manitoba (JA Manitoba) formed a partnership and hosted the #NextGenMixer on Stella’s at CCFM's beautiful patio . Together, they promote a strategy that will benefit Manitoba’s economy for decades to come. Their vision of well integrated youth will benefit our province by helping shape the leaders of tomorrow.

The actions from these 4 groups ensure that our young people have opportunities to:
  • better understand the role of entrepreneurship in economics
  • acquire financial management knowledge and skills
  • learn the importance of making connections and maintaining a professional network
  • connect with current, local leaders and grow their network
  • access training for their professional development 
  • explore these opportunities in French or English

JA Manitoba is the foundation that supports the strategy. Their foremost offer to young people is Company Program; a four-month business simulation that teaches grade 10-12 students how to organize and operate a real business. Volunteers from the local business community work with students to launch and run a small enterprise. This gives students the real-world skills and experience that they need to achieve their dreams of becoming entrepreneurs.

JA Manitoba offers many in-class programs that help students understand the importance financial management, the basics of entrepreneurship and the importance of post-secondary education, among others. These in-class deliveries require a 4 hour commitment and present a convenient option for business people to have impact in shaping the future generations as leaders, entrepreneurs and work-ready resources.

"When we make investments to young people, it actually works. The science, the research, the evaluation is unprecedented. The economic impacts are absolutely incredible"  - Minister Kevin Chief, BOLD Winnipeg video

Learn more by visiting JA Manitoba’s website and join forces with like-minded individuals who take action for our young people.

Greg Leipsic
President & CEO
JA Manitoba
(204) 956-6082

CCFSB is the commercial voice for businesses in St. Boniface that offer services in French. The Chamber fosters the development of a business-oriented environment geared towards the success of its commercial members.

The CCFSB provides you with the opportunity to meet and network with business people from the francophone/bilingual community of Saint-Boniface.  You can attend one of their luncheons or register to become a member at

La CCFSB vous donne l'occasion de rencontrer et de réseauter avec des personnes d'affaires francophones/bilingues du quartier de Saint-Boniface.  Vous pouvez vous joindre à eux pour un de leur dîners-rencontre ou devenir membre en vous inscrivant au

In September 2013. With the help of Caisse Financial Group, CCFSB launched a youth initiative that has seen 166 young people participate their signature monthly networking luncheons. Participants are recruited from three groups: high school students with french capacities (many are Ja Manitoba Company Program participants), student-members of the Club entrepreneuship Université Saint-Boniface and young entrepreneurs at large.

Marguerite Simard
Chambre de commerce
francophone de Saint-Boniface
(204) 235-1406

JCI Winnipeg celebrates it's 92nd year as an active group among the 5000+ chapters around the world. With over 200 000 members in over 100 countries, Junior Chamber International is a leading network of active citizens with a mission to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

With the help of the Economic Development Council for Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities (CDEM), JCI Winnipeg began its transition to a bilingual organisation at the World Trade Centre Winnipeg in June 2014 and becoming a member of the Chambre de commerce francophone de Saint-Boniface was an important part of this initiative.

JCI Winnipeg participated actively in JA Manitoba’s mandate. JCI members formed a team of advisers that led a Company Program team through the 2014-2015 program and they will be repeating the experience in 2015-2016. JCI Winnipeg also supplies volunteers for in-class program deliveries throughout the year.

"We have to give lots of people choice.. we have to engage them. The most important thing is to get people who believe in the potential of our community all together, that's where we are going to learn the most" - Minister Kevin Chief, BOLD Winnipeg video

JCI Winnipeg is a great option for those looking to get involved in the community and can help individuals and companies explore ways of having positive impact for Winnipeg’s youth.

Natasha Fisher
JCI Winnipeg 
(204) 391-0632

World Trade Centre Winnipeg offers you the Business InfoCentre, with free services to help you start or expand your business. Check out their free seminars that you can attend online or on-site: Calendar of events. These seminars and workshops are an essential tool for young people to begin their process in planning a business. With bilingual services, the WTC Winnipeg makes important contributions to Manitoba's entrepreneurial succession.

Get in touch with the Business Information Officers and Researchers to take the next step in your entrepreneurship journey.

Le Business InfoCentre (BIC) au sein du World Trade Centre Winnipeg offre des services gratuits pour vous aider à démarrer ou agrandir votre entreprise. Jetez un coup d’œil à leurs séminaires gratuits que vous pouvez suivre sur place ou en ligne : Calendrier d'événements

Contactez un des agents d’information et des chercheurs pour passer à la prochaine étape de votre périple entrepreneurial. 

Business InfoCentre
World Trade Centre Winnipeg
204 984-2272